To immobilize someone, they need to not be able to move, nor escape. This is the case everyday here, but today we take it to a level that very few can take. Anxiety will start to take control when all mobility is taken away from someone, fear of losing all control scares people beyond belief. First this slut is chained in a standing position, that prevents almost all movement. Her finger were still free, yet every other part of this whores body is locked down under multiple chains and leather. Her clothes are ripped from her body and she is used like the whore that she is.Next she has to sustain a back break arch with only her feet and the top of her head touching the floor. She is held in place by steel shackled stocks. She suffers through brutal torment and her first orgasm of the day comes, but only at a price. Her once tan body is quickly turned red under the harsh leather of the floggers.In the final position, the whore is hoisted into the air for a grueling device suspension. her face is covered and distorted by a stocking that is held in place by the biggest bit gag I could find to fill her huge whore mouth. Her ass is violated to fill two of her serving holes, and her mind is blow by the uncontrollable, non-stop orgasms that she begs to stop.

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To immobilize someone, they need to not be able to move, nor escape. This is the case everyday here, but today we take it to a level that very few can take. Anxiety will start to take control when all mobility is taken away from someone, fear of losing all control scares people beyond belief. First this slut is chained in a standing position, that prevents almost all movement. Her finger were still free, yet every other part of this whores body is locked down under multiple chains and leather. Her clothes are ripped from her body and she is used like the whore that she is.Next she has to sustain a back break arch with only her feet and the top of her head touching the floor. She is held in place by steel shackled stocks. She suffers through brutal torment and her first orgasm of the day comes, but only at a price. Her once tan body is quickly turned red under the harsh leather of the floggers.In the final position, the whore is hoisted into the air for a grueling device suspension. her face is covered and distorted by a stocking that is held in place by the biggest bit gag I could find to fill her huge whore mouth. Her ass is violated to fill two of her serving holes, and her mind is blow by the uncontrollable, non-stop orgasms that she begs to stop.

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